Our lab is strongly committed to the principles of Open Science, transparency, and reproducibility.

As part of this commitment, we aim to fulfill to following goals:

1. Make PDFs of all of our articles openly available for scholarly dissemination on our Publications page.

2. Publish all of our raw data on the Open Science Framework.

3. Publish all of our analysis routines on the Open Science Framework.

4. Publish all of our experimental stimuli on the Open Science Framework.

5. Collect large sample sizes whenever possible. In cases where this is not possible (e.g., in studies involving limited patient populations), we strive to collect converging evidence from multiple imaging domains.

6. Document our hypotheses a priori (this includes previous scholarly publications).


Below is a list of all of our empirical studies (those for which we have ownership of the data), along with links to the raw data, stimuli, and analysis routines.

If anything is incomplete or missing, please email Jan at jan-wessel@uiowa.edu.

If you are looking for work from our collaborators or Jan's previous labs, please email Jan, as the same policies may not apply and we don't usually have ownership of these data.